Future Blueberries
I get excited when I see little flower buds, baby kittens, and newly painted walls. They hold such promise. Colorful flowers for my vase, sweet furry companions, and cheerful updated rooms. Most people want something new in their lives occasionally, or even frequently, but it doesn't need to be big or expensive. It could just be an idea for a project to try, an adventure to take, a book to read, or a new recipe to experiment with.
Our need is to keep our lives from becoming stale. Sameness can lead to dullness of mind and a discouraging feeling of insignificance. But even if we can't control the circumstances of our lives, we can change little things. Like being kind to an obviously tired store clerk, sending a note to someone you haven't seen for a while, volunteering to help at a food pantry. And mostly we are where we are, because that's where we are supposed to be...resting, renewing inwardly, trusting.
Those little "flower buds" and "kittens" in my life may just grow into satisfaction with the present as well as a vision of hope for the future because I know who is ultimately in control. And it isn't me! God's will is perfect, and my job is to accept it with a humble and grateful heart.
And speaking of beginnings, this is my first blog post. I'm offering it with fear and trepidation, not knowing where this will go, if anywhere. I've had an idea to do this for a year or so and am just now doing somethig about it after a lot of "waits" and "not nows" and "not this ways". I'm not a natural writer, so I'm learning as I go. There will be many twists to what I write about, I'm sure of that. Nothing wrong with rabbit trails as long as they have a point. My desire is to use a few of my photographs as springboards for ideas to write about. Since I'm not a one subject photographer, I won't be a one subject writer, either. I could use lots of prayers!
Little Pink Buds